Watch August inspiring presentations at the Center for Spiritual Living, Asheville, NC. Weaving together universal principles and stirring stories, her talks offer deeply simple spiritual truth and tools for a lighter, brighter, more joyful experience of life. Raise your vibration in 30 minutes.
The richest time of the day is first thing in the morning. You will love how naturally your vibration lifts when you tune out the voice of the world and tune into your own inner voice for just fifteen minutes. This bite-size spiritual morning practice will bring peace to your mind, gratitude to your heart and joy to your Being. Raise your vibration in 15 minutes.
In this article from ABC News,Life Is Conversation August explains how to change your life by changing one essential question. The next time life impacts you don’t ask “Why is this happening to me?” ask instead, Why is this happening for me?” When you do, you engage your soulful inner Being that knows everything happening to you is happening for you – to evolve you, to ripen you. Sweet! Raise your vibration in under 1 minute.
Inspired Speaker, Teacher, Trusted Spiritual Guide
Master Storyteller, Author
August Gold is a transformational leader with over 30 years of experience in guiding individuals to embrace their authentic selves. Following an intuitive vision, she co-founded Sacred Center New York in SOHO, just a mile from Ground Zero, with Carol Logen on September 9, 2001. Her talks blend cross-cultural stories, philosophies and universal truths …
The ceremony was constructed from an exhaustive knowledge of various traditions and with a love for
humanity that is inspiring. We remain grateful to August for elevating the lives of everyone present that
day-especially ourselves.
-- Bryan and Daniel
Profound and intense. Thank you for your talents and leading us through such an amazing day.
At least three things have released themselves since Saturday.
-- Patricia
When you decided to answer your calling August, it was evidence of what I have had faith in all
along. It was the missing piece in the message for me. You do believe in what you preach. You
do walk your talk. I am so grateful for you courage and integrity. You have bolstered my faith
and my integrity.
-- Dean
It must be a most powerful thing to possess the knowledge you have garnered thru many many
years of studying. Just a few weeks glimpse into this world of understanding that you have and
have been teaching definitely makes me want more, as well as, has changed my thinking and .... my life.
-- Bill
I left with new tools that allowed me to take myself to a deep, quiet, sacred place I’d never reached
before where I found strength to defuse, and make myself the priority of the moment. Very empowering.
-- Andrea
A spirit of love filled the ballroom and we all laughed and shed tears of joy together.
Even now, one year later, our family and friends still tell us how much they loved the
ceremony. None of our guests had ever witnessed a wedding service quite like ours. The
laughter, the energy and the tears of happiness made a lasting impression on everyone.
-- Eric and Rick
Mystical, magical, miraculous. Thank you for the amazing gift you have given the world,
this community and me personally.
-- Beth Linguri, Spiritual Director Center for Peace (Geneva)
Your wholesomeness and integrity "touches" peoples lives from the inside out and allow
them to transform. It takes courage and strength to be a leader and it's been an honor to
participate with you and Carol, and travel with so many friends over the past 9 years with
you as our guide.
-- Elaine
August Gold has been the inspiration, catalyst and midwife for my Spiritual Awakening,
my transformation and my rebirth into my authentic, best and highest Self.
-- John
I want to thank you for the inspiring interview you did with Katherine Woodward Thomas
on “Women on the Edge," as well as "The Hero’s Journey" talk posted on your website. I’ve
listened to each at least a dozen times. I see so much of my life and my story reflected in
your own personal story. Thank you for being a loving and supportive mentor on my journey.
-- Molly
My daughter came to hear you speak. Your words helped her see with new eyes. The
ripples from your talk have carried her quite far into a new reality. It was a magical day
for our family, the day the big shift occurred and her transformation began.
-- Sarita
Sacred Center services every time I travelled to NYC. It was always a fertilizer of joy,
wonder, uplift and gratitude. I miss that time and place. I carry your words with me
to this day and the spirit of that congregation that I only knew as a visitor. But I felt like
I was at home every Sunday I was lucky enough to attend.
-- Mark from San Francisco
We appreciated all of the time that August took getting to know us and learning about our relationship.
The hours that we spent with her (as a couple) helped her vision in creating the perfect ceremony for us. It
was a completely individualized ceremony that only came to be due to the thoughtful and insightful sessions
that we had with August leading up to our big day. She cast a spell of love and support on everyone.
-- Bryan and Daniel
Again, I send you both my gratitude and appreciation for the amazing contribution to the
experience described by those who attended as "life changing" and "transformative", it is that
you who responded to the invitation made it all so special.
-- Natalie Beth Linguri, Spiritual Director Center for Peace (Geneva)
I tell anyone that lends me an ear how the moment I came to Sacred Center and to you was a
turning point in my life. I can barely recognize this new me I have become and that you over the
weeks and with the classes and messages every weekend help me to uncover. No words will ever
be enough to thank you for this new life that you have unveiled for me. God within me thanks you
and loves you.
-- Ernesto
I've followed you for years and purchased and shared your fabulous, irreverent, funny-as-all-get-go
talks and go back to them again and again.
-- Carolyn
I cannot thank you enough for being so present with me. Thank you for living your destiny
for it has had a profound effect on mine for the last 12 years.
-- Peter
The Happy Hours were grounding and simultaneously uplifting in a way I had not experienced
before, and I am incredibly grateful for the more in depth Soul sessions we did before I left. It has
helped me enormously. With gratitude for the safe, empowering space you create.
-- Sandy
Since discovering Reverend August and studying with her at Sacred Center, my life has been an
ever-widening path of positive unfolding. Her style is wise but kicky, and often hilarious and edgy!
-- Audrey
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for having been a teacher who I could understand
so clearly, that I could feel was walking the path along with all of us, who could always get us
to laugh at your stories, and at ourselves at the same time.
-- Simone
August - Our one on one time together continues to be invaluable for me - coming to be
with you on Tuesdays at The Tao of Living Agelessly enhances my life.
-- Joe
Everyone left the ceremony happy and moved by your words -- it was the greatest gift we received. No
doubt, my Dear August, you made our wedding the most beautiful day of our lives.
-- Marcello and Howard
What a powerful session today! It was such an important message applicable to everyone;
no matter what their beliefs. It was very relevant "TO ME". I can't possibly thank you enough
for your coming into my life and the awareness you have brought me.
-- Bill McMillin
I had a soul session with August. In that soul session some information came to me and from
then on I changed. That's how it works. Hear this.
-- Darla
I reconnected with what I put away, my love of dance -- it is when I feel my connection to Spirit
in a profound way. I now know that is where my healing is to begin.
Thank you for holding this space for us.
-- Cheryle
You are a very gentle, kind, accepting and non-judgmental teacher who has a very strong
connection with the soul of things and people. You always find a gentle way to help me get
to the core of what I want or what is blocking me. All these things are very important to me.
-- Ana
Today's message was so clear to me. A new world opened for me. Your words your message
your stories your vibration will serve me well the rest of my life. Maybe the most important
message I ever heard ... and got!!
-- Bill
Thank you with the sincerest of gratitude for guiding me to going deeper so that I could access
the Truth of who I am and what I have been carrying. Feeling the safety I feel with you allows me
to free myself from the chains that I had (the operative word "had") around my heart. When I
woke up this morning, although my eyes were puffy from crying , I felt lighter.
-- Vickie
Four years ago when I attended Sacred Center I was on public assistance and was struggling
to rebuild my life after a catastrophic loss of everything including the understanding that
material things were not only what could be lost. Since then I have gotten off public assistance,
I got my business back, and have recently moved into my own apartment in the west village! Not
to mention have started to experience love!!! Thank you and thank you God.
-- Brenton
I love the "unplugged" atmosphere, it's simple, clean, easy -- and I also loved the stories you
chose. Those all woven together masterfully (your specialty!) take it to a deep place, and then
just kept getting deeper and deeper. Loved it!
-- Joel
Stillness. That's what I realized I came to our heart opening retreat to be reminded of. To go
one step deeper, push down one more level. To remember.
-- Margie
I learned that the time is NOW and my soul is aching for me to grow into myself and be all
that GOD has created me to be. Thank you August for your powerful self. I feel blessed
and honored to learn from such an extraordinary teacher and healer. Heart-felt!
-- Barbara
Thank you August I have just finished listening to your free talk "A stroke of insight" I really
loved your talk as always August but more than that I wanted to say a big heartfelt thank you
as you made me laugh out loud. I didn't always laugh so easily, I carried a lot of pain and a lot
of fear for many, many years as many of us do. That however is not who I am today. I always
laugh out loud listening to you.
-- Jane
The talk last week revitalized my morning practice and with amazing results. In just a week, I feel
like I have become re-grounded in my life with a rediscovered lightness and openness. Just another
Happy Hour success story for you. Thank you both again for everything that you do for us all.
-- Charles
My partner and I listened to your talk in the car on the way up to visit my 95 years young mom
and we were both totally engrossed and inspired. Thanks you for the gift of your presence in
our yoga community and in the world!
-- Marleen
Even though our families didn’t know each other before the wedding day, you truly made the room
come together as “one.” You have the rare gift of speaking a "universal language" that touches everyone's
heart, no matter what their background , sexual orientation, beliefs or culture.
-- Marcello and Howard
I want to express my gratitude for what I experienced and learned through you. Those
happy hours were grounding and simultaneously uplifting in a way I had not,experienced
before, and I am incredibly grateful for the more in depth sessions we did before I left. It
has helped me enormously.
-- Sandy
Thank you for the free talk "the flow of life”! My husband and I just listened to it and had a great
discussion after. I'm grateful to you for helping me in so many ways. Thank you both for all of the
beauty, wisdom and light you bring to the planet.
-- Janet
It has been about 2 years now since I had a soul session with you during which time I came
to realize that my soul needed a bigger way of making a difference of giving back … my soul
was slowing dying by continuing to live my ordinary life. When I understood what I needed, I
was able to apply for the Peace Corps to fulfill on a life’s dream. Well, I soon depart for
Botswana to begin my service.
-- Linda
You've shown me a crack to pry open, go through and begin my life again with a MUCH
clearer head that is filled with forgiveness toward myself. Tonight, I looked in my bathroom
mirror and for the very first time, I said "I love you". Whew ... transformational! You have been
such a tremendous blessing.
-- Rob
When I walk into a room with August Gold my priorities get back into alignment, my head
clears, and my heart opens -- I make the changes I need to make in my life.
-- Susie
Once again, and again and again, I want you to know what a mentor and teacher you
have been to me -- it is because of your loving instruction and guidance I am who I am
today, a person I am very proud of.
-- Trent
I just started to attend your classes this last fall and it was one of the most exhilarating
experiences I have had in a long time. In addition to the positive energy you both put
out it helped me get through one of the hardest times in my life. I am listening to my
inner voice again after five years, Thanks To Your Teachings!
-- Terry
I have a profound opportunity knocking -- that your experience helps me to hear. Thanks
for always coming out with your Self. You allow me to learn from your experience, and
benefit by your courage and compassion when you Tell It!
-- Craig
I loved the fact that your teachings are based on universal law/truth. Thank you again
for all that you do, and the way that you lead people to truth ... especially through the
method of storytelling. You are phenomenal!
-- Paul
The polls are closed and the voting tallied -- it was unanimous that our wedding
ceremony was simply amazing on Saturday.
While it was no surprise to us, so many people who had never met you before (let alone heard you speak) were simply in
awe -
you made our wedding full of warmth and love -- far beyond what we could
have conveyed without you (and that's saying something).
We are so thankful for all you did for us.
-- George and Anthony
In the months leading up to the wedding August met with us together and individually to
get a sense of our values and priorities, and deeper insight into the unique qualities of our
She crafted a ceremony that was completely original and deeply personal for us, as well as
engaging for our audience. She was accessible to us at all times to guide us through the
process and on the day of the wedding August was the calm in the storm.
-- Eric and Rick
I just want to say I have repeated your words many times and so thankful I had an
opportunity to work with you. I hope you are well and the next time I'm in NC I will
seek you out. You are doing amazing work, thank you.
-- Kim Snyder
I've been following you since I lived in New York City and you were still at Sacred Center.
You were the reason I went on to be the person I am today. I'm so very proud of who I am.
-- Brenna
The Prayer Chest is not just a novel, it is a parable and a guide-and like your family passes
precious traditions and heirlooms down through generations, this book felt that special. Short
enough to be enjoyed a singular day at the beach, but long enough to imprint new and pivotal
truths on your heart. If you are a seeker, a philosopher, spiritual sort or a person driven by
purpose, contribution or your divine itches, this book will give you the tools to pray remarkable
changes into your life.
-- Rena M. Reese, Founder, Soul Salon International
Thank you so much again for all that you gave toward our beautiful ceremony and event. Once again,
you worked your magic. I am so grateful for your teachings and how they have enhanced my life, as as I
wrote in the program, such a special honor to have you officiate over our wedding.
-- Dianne and Gary
I discovered you back in 2010 ... and I find myself keeping on being drawn back to your
teachings … there's something about your teaching that creates a deep feeling of
connection and recognition ... I cant really explain it ... but you seem to touch an inner
truth with me ... that says " as you walk out on the way ... the path will appear" Rumi ...
Oceans of love
-- Moyalia from Australia
Your teachings have changed my life. I am starting my real life now on a different coast and a
new career that honors who I really am. I can finally breathe and not have to do life the hard way.
-- YehaNoha65
Thank you August, so much for transforming my life -- no one has had or may ever have the impact on me that you have.
-- John
You have made a profound impact on my life through Sacred Center for many years -- even
before the second and third homes it had, and the 4t class. I still quote and take courage from
lessons you shared consistently in my life. You gave so much of yourself and truly opened up
our hearts and spirits. And we were so greatly craving all the wisdom you shared.
-- Rachel
Your universal teachings embracing both Eastern and Western ideas resonate truth within me
and have inspired, enriched and expanded my life greatly. I am incredibly grateful for having been
introduced to you, The Prayer Chest, and all your unique and thought-provoking ideas and concepts
that continue to transform my life.
-- Robyn
Rarely have I heard a speaker juggle three stories, a tragic event and make sense of it all.
I find you are so right on -- Understanding Life thru the context and not the event.
It is a joy to hear you and Carol each Tuesday and I was enlightened at my first class last
Thursday. I thank you and I feel so fortunate furthering my understanding of my life more
fully thru your teaching.
-- David
I am a better man thanks to you and the world around me is a friendly world to live in.
I will always be grateful for the channel God has given me thru you!
-- Koby
I grew up with Catholic school and church, I have attended born-again Christian services,
Pilgrimages, Meditation at a Buddhist center and other meditation and soul searching
activities, and none of these moved me like you did today. It felt as if you were talking to
me one on one.
-- Robert
The Prayer Chest has inspired myself and others around me. I give copies to members of
my social circle and coworkers when it is evident that they have lost their way. It has moved
and touched me in a way I never thought a book could. God bless you for being an inspiration.
-- Michelle
To experience her words live and in person is like nothing I have ever experienced. She grasps her
audience like listening to a really good friend with plenty to say about what your soul longs to hear.
-- Jeffrey
I learned my soul is soft, not hard, and the best way to approach it is with openness and joy
(or ice cream!). It was a beautiful day and a blessing to share with everyone.
-- Lisa
I want to thank you for the gift and being the message that helped me step on to the road I am
walking today. Rev August with your message I was able to listen to spirit even through its low
whisperings. Rev Carol you gave me the gift of voice and helped me realize I have a gift to share
with the world.
-- Rev Gio
A day does not go by where I don't give thanks to your teachings, your humor, your wisdom.
I came to you so broken and in the years I studied with you I learned to pray and practice the
principles in spite of outward appearances. I changed my definition of success and asked what
can I bring and what can I give and not worry at all about what it was I wanted. I thank you.
-- Vanessa
I reconnected with my soul.
-- Jim
I just have to write to you to tell you what an influence you are in my life right now.
Listening to you gives me the permission to be "me." You inspire me. Your story
telling skills are superb. Amazing. The way you weave stories together, link them,
leave the audience hanging until you reconnect them to the story is profound. You
are a genius speaker. That is a process of ingenious knowledge that few speakers know,
and you do it seamlessly. Thank you again for the difference you make in the world.
-- Janette
I am enjoying your sessions very much. As a practicing Buddhist it is good to hear your
message and refresh my knowledge. Thank you for what you are doing for the gay community.
-- George Anderson
I am so grateful to you for your support and wisdom. When I listen to your talks on my
coastal walks on the other side of the world in Australia it always not only inspires and
motivates me but makes me happy. You are an inspiration.
-- Lily
The more I write the more I hear my voice and finally after all these years, I can embrace my
voice with real love. YOU HELPED ME DO THAT.
-- Hector
If any of my Fort Lauderdale friends have issues with attending church and the "God thing"
-- but are looking for a positive approach to life and some sense of what "spirituality" means,
I HIGHLY recommend attending these Tuesday meetings at NOON at the Pride Center. August
is probably the most consistently upbeat, positive, and on-point person I've had the pleasure of
listening to in Fort Lauderdale. And the music of Carol Logen is simply phenomenal!
-- Michael
Not only did you create the perfect ceremony, but you helped us build solid foundations, changing
the way we communicate with each other, so the day we walked down the aisle there was only pure
joy instead of any tension.
-- Marcello and Howard
She put the congregation at ease right away with her humor and led a Ceremony that had a deep
sense of inclusivity and community, which was critical to us because of the diversity of our guests.
-- Eric and Rick
You bring incredible magic & enthusiasm with your energy and I always try not to miss
the opportunity to hear whatever and wherever your speaking, "beautiful one"!
-- Marc
Thank you August for your wonderful service to God and other people.
It is very helpful and practical in every day life. Please keep on.
-- Mark
The emails and phones were buzzing all week with friends and relatives saying that is was one of
the best weddings that they had ever been to, and by far the best ceremony they had ever experienced!
-- Dianne and Gary
As I consider myself relatively new to process, this was wonderful introduction to a way in
which I can go inward to align myself with the flow of the Universe. By using a variety of
techniques, it showed me that this energy is available to me at any point. I look forward to
deepening that practice.
-- Pankaj
At last week's gathering it was as if you could read our minds and soothe our hearts
with a song - it all makes sense. Thank you for sharing your humanity.
-- Patrick
My heart and soul are singing now … tears of joy stream down my cheeks regularly whenever
I remind myself that I have this HUGE opportunity to impact the lives of many. August, thank
you for opening the door … and shining light into my soul. Thank you for speaking to my heart
each and everything time I had the opportunity to be guided by you.
-- Linda
What a lovely Taizé Community Event! Thank you for hosting with such grace, art,
and sacred energy. It was a transcendent experience.
-- Chris
Thank you for for the deep impact you have on my soul. Seeing you and hearing your
beautiful stories always stirs up quite a bit of hope that no matter what is going on in
our lives, the stars are indeed aligned and there are new realities being created that
we cannot imagine from where we presently stand. My daughter feels the same way
-- your wisdom is simply awesome.
-- Sarita
I just wanted to say Thank You for such an uplifting message that continues to resonate with
me each day.
-- Carter
Rev. Gold would not want me to give her credit, but it was her style of teaching that kept me
coming back. I felt everything that came forth from her mouth, I didn't understand it, but my
understanding has increased since I first walked into Sacred Center at the Lighthouse on 59th
Street where she ministered to those seeking something. I love her.
-- 1onelove
I live on the other side of the world, in Perth Western Australia and I am a theatre
teacher and have a Children's Theatre Company www.reck.com.au. I could literally
see “The Prayer Chest” coming to life before my eyes and I think it would be a
wonderful, metaphorical and inspiring piece for children and communities, theatre
that nourishes the soul. Your work has given me hope, when I most needed some
and I am grateful and richer for the experience of it both personally and artistically.
-- Jane
Looking at the faces of the congregants, listening to the Rev Gold’s creedless, therapeutic, but
compassionate and profoundly moral sermon … I had no doubt that the worshippers at the
Sacred Center were experiencing a genuine religion.
-- Beliefnet, Arthur Goldwag, Author
Your messages have been completely life altering and my perception of life and
Spirit have shifted to a place of greater peace, appreciation and vision. Your
messages have put me in a place where I am "allowing" the flow of life work in me.
In addition, I have been able to practice telling my ego to "curb it's enthusiasm!"
-- Marco
Dear Pastor Gold, I live in Europe and a friend was speaking about you at coffee the other day
and I simply wanted to send you a thank you for your 5-5-5 video on YouTube. I send gratitude
and share peace.
-- David
Her grace, humor, wit, and spirit elevated our ceremony to a level that I never thought possible.
Our wedding was a first same sex wedding for many of our older family members. Within the first
two minutes of the ceremony, any sense of curiosity or fear left the place, and all that our guests
experienced was pride and commitment.
-- Bryan and Daniel
I attended your presentation on being in the moment and I don't believe I have ever
heard a more inspiring message, and one delivered with such passion and sincerity.
Your words were so at once profound and practical. That very positive proclamation
sang to me without judgment but with hope and a powerful sense of inspiration about
the way things are supposed to be for all of us. I still feel beautifully energized by your
words and the bright light of your entire presentation -- an extraordinary yet down-to-earth
-- John
The atmosphere at Happy Hour is charged with hope, vision and heart - it is palpable. It is
inspiring. People take away something very real.
-- Pippa